People were guessing what might be inside. You got a mail order alpaca! Nope. That is a BIG box of wool. Good guess, but nope. I pointed out the lack of air holes. A live alpaca needs air holes. A dead alpaca would smell. Nope definitely not an alpaca. Is it a spinning thing or a dog thing? Wait, is it a thing or a bunch of things?
Gosh, that's a lot of questions. I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition.
NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!
Get the FLUFFY pillows. No NOT the FLUFFY pillows!
Something wrapped in paper. It feels like one of those plastic air pillows they use for packing stuff. I'm thinking, cool Canadian air! IMPORTED Air! I'm gonna blog that!
Woh, how wonderful! Imported fiber!! Alpaca, merino, mohair.
Squeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!
What is it Harley? What did you find?
It's official. Harley has claimed this horse blanket as her own.
Kinda like a tootsie pop or a Cadbury egg we get to the goodness in the middle.
This is soooooo awesome! A Majacraft Rose.
She is smooooooooth and fast.
~~~ happy dance ~~ happy dance ~~~