The first brilliant idea was to use this superwash wool.
that was handpainted by this grandchild
to make fingerless mitts for said grandchilds mother. Brilliant, heh? We can give them to her for Christmas and it will really be from BOTH of us. This is such a fantastic idea that I jumped right on it!
Sunday I swatched and began the first mitt. Not following a pattern, just sort of knitting along and counting the rows so that hopefully the second mitt will be the same size as the first mitt. That is the plan anyway, we'll see what we actually end up with. Jessica already has a pair of mismatched handknit socks from me. Perhaps the mitts will complete the set. Then again, I might get lucky this time.
Everything seemed to be going along just fine. Progress was being made. The mitt came along to work with me. I figured it is straight knitting and I can get a row in here and there waiting for meeting to start and what not. I even knitted straight through one really loooooong meeting and got all the way to the final ribbing before binding off. Woooo Hoooo maybe I can finish this up and start the second mitt only one day after casting on the first mitt!
Maybe I was just not supposed to be making this much progress. Maybe it was a little uppity of me to even think about beginning the second mitt that evening. Maybe I'm just getting older and losing my mind. It wasn't until I got home and pulled the mitt in progress out of the bag that I saw it. I had left the fifth DPN on the desk at work.
OH NOOOOOOOS. Well, I figured I had another set in that size. I have TONS of DPNs in a big vase in the craft room. An hour with the vase and the needle sizer proved that this particular size (6) is probably the only size that I didn't accidentally buy duplicates of. How can that be possible?
I gave up. I did dishes, which is a total waste of time by the way. I mean really, what is the point when they just get dirty again? I did a little laundry which is the same as dishes, really. I do have that shawl that is still on the needles, but I want to concentrate on gift making right now. If I get sucked back into the lace shawl I'm afraid it might be new years before I come back out of it, and there's Christmas to make! I was frustrated at the sudden screeching halt in the rapid progress I had been making. I was pissed at myself for setting the needle on the desk at work. What was I thinking? I put the rest of the project in the bag. The ball o yarn. The nearly finished mitt with spikes. Even the little container of stitch markers made it into the bag, but oooooh no, I think that for some reason it was ok to just put the final item next to the keyboard? REALLY??
It was about 10pm and I was chin deep in bath water when the brilliant idea came to me. If I would just do this ONE thing I could continue working on the mitt! Got out of the tub and into PJs really fast to get to it. Maybe I could finish this mitt tonight after all!
The brilliant idea was to use one smaller DPN to hold stitches that were not being worked. I would knit around till I got to the place holder needle, then move it to another spot further from where the actual knitting is taking place. It worked beautifully! The mitt was long enough to begin the 1X1 ribbing for a few rows before binding off. I was going to make it!
That is when it happened. I got to the end of the first row of ribbing and everything went bad. The last stitch in the row should be a purl. I had an even number of stitches (6 on each needle) so the 1X1 ribbing should work out perfect, but it isn't. OMG How did this one needle get 7 stitches on it? CRAP
Looks like I cast on one to many when I was making the thumb hole.... aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrghhhh
Rip it Rip it.
I will finish these mitts. I will finish these mitts. They will not defeat me.