I DO have a garage full of woodworking equipment and know how to use it. I kept telling myself I could make myself one. Yes, I could. Any gramma who made her grandchild a rocking horse complete with flowing mane could certainly create a triangle frame with finishing nails in it. Even got a miter saw and drill press for cryin out loud. Two and a half years later I have not cut one angle or even measured a piece of wood for a loom.
There's simply not enough time in a lifetime to make all the things that are in my brain trying to get out. Add to that a job that takes days AND a lot of evenings and then steals weekends and holidays for desert. Here's where I'm supposed to say that it is all ok because I LOVE MY JOB. But, I really can't say that.
Last weekend at Fancy Fibers Farm I saw that Mary had some smallish triangle looms in her farm store. OHHHH YEAH.
It took me about half a second to evaluate the probability of ever finding time to make myself one (zilch). Of course I brought one home with me.
I can't believe I waited so long. This triangle loom weaving is awesome!
This shawl came together in one afternoon. Crochet shells expanded the triangle which is scarf sized into a small shawl.
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