I thought I was gonna need a different fleece to complete this the way I want. You see my fleece was all one solid color. I want the big border on this thing to be done in a couple of the "other" natural shetland colors.
I was cruising the RAV fleece market and deciding on a fleece when something really cool happened. We got the spring distribution from the CSA fiber farm (Fancy Fibers Farm) and it included shetland wool all clean and processed into roving... ready to spin! I got to pick two colors... I got medium and dark brown.
I didn't even know we would be getting shetland! How cool is that!
The medium brown is spun up to lace weight and is already being added to the shawl. It looks really nice so far.
Funny thing is that my lace spinning is getting better as I progress through this project. By the time I get to the outer-most border the yarn is gonna be so much thinner that the beginning! I think I'll tell people I planned it that way.... thicker part right over the neck and shoulders... uh... yeah... it's a FEATURE!
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